Patch Test: What is it And How To Use This For Your Benefit?
APRIL 4, 2024

Have you ever bought a product that you were dying to try out just for it to give you an unwanted reaction?
Well you're not alone.
Nearly one third of Americans have experienced some type of allergic reaction to a cosmetic product.
Bummer, right!? Well, it doesn’t have to be.
You can bypass the heartache and literal pain of not being able to use the new moisturizer everyone and their mother has been raving about
How? It’s called a patch test.

Patch tests are recommended for everyone to do before they try out a new product.
The crazy part is that so many people don’t know about it, or, they don’t bother to do it. Reactions to products can include: Contact dermatitis, Hives, and in severe cases, anaphylactic shock.
But trust, once you realize how crazy simple it is, you’ll be doing it with every product you buy!
First, you choose a spot on your hand or preferably your forearm. Then you smear a pea-sized amount of product in a contained area, not all over. Then you wait! The ideal time to wait would be 24 hours, but most products can recommend up to 48 in case there's a latent reaction.
Here at Bello, we keep the ingredients super simple and clean.
But to be on the safe side, we always recommend doing a simple patch test to rule out any allergies! Once you’re in the clear, feel free to explore our wide range of products specially formulated to nourish your lashes, brows, and scalp!

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